(04-19-2012, 06:10 PM)Haleylvr4evr Wrote: Tonight on twitter we trended "We Love You Jango Reinhart"
That apparently led to some confusion:
Quote:Clayton Oeth @ClaytonOeth
"We Love You Jango Reinhart" trending. A) Cool. B) Why? C) How can you love Django Reinhardt and not be able to goddamn spell his name?
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Quote:Barbara @hj351
#WeLoveYouJangoReinhart Guitarist ex·tra·or·di·naire
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Quote:Puckett @puckett101
It's Django Reinhardt, not Jango Reinhart. *mutters about trending topics, kids and lawns*
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Quote:Matthew McPhee @mtthwmcphee
We Love You Jango Reinhart is trending finally. Too bad his name is Django Reinhardt. #gypsyjazz
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Quote:DjangoShirts.com @DjangoShirts
"#WeLoveYouJangoReinhart" trended on Twitter for a while tonight... That is weird for so many reasons...
Quote:Lennon Ashbury @Mzllehirondelle
@DjangoShirts In fact, the trend was about the Haley Reinhart's dog passed this week. So no mispellings
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