This show is now listed on the tour page of Haley's website after the upcoming European shows.
This is curious as Dave Damiani's website still lists Haley as performing with them in Atlantic City every Friday and Saturday during July. My initial reaction was that she must be clearing July to promote HR3, but kept a date with Dave out of a sense of obligation.
The show is at Resorts Casino. That's the same venue she played with Dave in April. But his July shows will be at Dante Hall run by Stockton University.
The description of the Resorts Casino Haley event on the ticket site says "TV & Internet sensation Haley Reinhart joins Dave Damiani and The No Vacancy Orchestra." Perhaps they just picked up the description from April?
The events calendar for the Resorts Casino does not list Haley or Dave on July 21st.
Side note: Lauren Alaina is doing a show there on the 14th.
edit: Dante Hall lists Dave Damiani shows for every Friday and Saturday in July except that weekend. For it, they only list a Saturday show. So apparently they are doing the Friday show at the Resorts Casino. Curious as to why it's the only one listed on Haley's website.
edit 2: WAIT! The top of the ticket page for Dante Hall notes "Haley Reinhart (7/22 ONLY)"
So Haley has most of July free and may be doing a show of her own that Friday. Maybe.