RE: Haley's dog, "Jango," passed away
This is a very sensitive subject for me. I´ve got an 8 year old Golden Retriever that I love, but he is getting old and eventually, (sadly sooner than later), I´m gonna loose him. Law of life, but that dog has helped me through rough times, family illnesses and has been nothing but a noble partner.
Through him I´ve learned to respect all living creatures and raising him has made me a more caring person...Never thought an animal could do that much for a person.
So I deeply feel for anyone who goes through that lost. It´s like loosing a family member, the most vulnerable one. I feel for Haley right now and She might be very busy at the moment, but I´m sure it´ll hit her sooner or later. Hopefully not tomorrow, at the Pet-appaloosa.