Haley's only in the advertising industry in that she's a creator, she gives Ole something to market and make money for the both of them.
She has the freedom to multi-task, sing, perform, write, Voice over....maybe in the future, there could be acting or even be hired as a 'face' of a brand, a spokesperson.
Right now, we are seeing the beginnings of what she's capable of. Remember when recording "Habits" w/ PMJ was a big deal? That was only a couple years or so ago, think on what has happened for Haley, how much has happened for Haley since the beginning of even 2016..... We are experiencing an embarrassment of riches, relative to the 5+ years before, and there's no sign of it slowing down any time soon.....In fact, it may accelerate
Think about it, Haley is going to have a 2nd tour to promote her 2nd album in back to back years... it's mind boggling tbh
I think Advertising is just another stepping stone, a means to familiarize music lovers to the quality and uniqueness of Haley's voice and personality