RE: Atlantic City - Resorts Casino -- Friday, July 21?
At the very last minute I decided to go to the show at Resorts in Atlantic City last night - my sixth time seeing Haley. It was a great show, Haley looked gorgeous and her vocals were brilliant as usual, Joe Piscopo did a few Sinatra style songs and was hilarious, the No Vacancy Orchestra was on point and Dave - was Dave. I live in southern Maryland and it's close to a 4 hour drive to AC without traffic so I really hadn't planned on going. However it had been one year to the day from my last Haley experience, at Bethesda House of Jazz and Blues, and I just realized I'll be out of town when her tour comes through the DC-Baltimore area in November. I was panicking a bit, so what to do? What else, buy a ticket in the morning, slip out of work early and head to New Jersey. I hoped to miss the bulk of the traffic on I95 through Baltimore and Philly but unfortunately I failed to do that so 5 hours later I got to Resorts in time to get a bite to eat and head to the Superstar theater. It's a great venue with lots of history. There may be 500 seats and as near as I could tell it was close a full house. Surprisingly I had a good seat in the second row. I think these might have been part of a same day pre-show release of tickets. I did bring my camera and took videos with limited results. I had a lady in a hat in front of me that couldn't settle down for most of the show so I'm afraid I have a lot of video of the back of her head. I'll take a look at the video tonight and post anything useful. The show ended about 10:30 and I thought about sticking around but still had a 4 hour drive home so I took off. The good news - not much traffic at 3:00 am! One further note about the show, which bills Haley as the headliner. Clearly somebody realized Haley would be the big draw, and I think the bulk of the audience was there to see her. It's still pretty much the same mix of Dave and Haley though, about 50/50. The version of BHS posted above was a highlight IMO and they also did a very good version of Baby It's You. Unfortunately adding these meant subtracting At Last, one of my favorites. Overall a very good experience.