(07-22-2017, 03:11 PM)popfly38 Wrote: At the very last minute I decided to go to the show at Resorts in Atlantic City last night - it had been one year to the day from my last Haley experience, at Bethesda House of Jazz and Blues, and I just realized I'll be out of town when her tour comes through the DC-Baltimore area in November. I was panicking a bit, so what to do? What else, buy a ticket in the morning, slip out of work early and head to New Jersey.
You chose
wisely, right now, Haley's shows are fairly rare, though they are more frequent and accessible to fans than previously, so it's always been my advice that if she even comes close, you should definitely make the trip, who knows when she will come closer, if ever, again
As I've said often, if the Mountain does not come to Muhammad, then Muhammad must go to the mountain....How often have we seen tweets of people imploring Haley to come to their town after she had just performed at a show one town over?
Coming from someone that has now traveled overseas twice to see Haley and finally rewarded w/ a show in my 'town' (I live 30 miles north of Seattle), I have no pity for people that won't drive a 'couple' hours for the show, especially if you've had advance notice
"Do or do not, there is no try." - Yoda