(07-22-2017, 03:11 PM)popfly38 Wrote: The version of BHS posted above was a highlight IMO and they also did a very good version of Baby It's You. Unfortunately adding these meant subtracting At Last, one of my favorites. Overall a very good experience.
I don't think you're alone At Last being a favorite, whenever I post At Last, it always gets a good response, the one I posted from Paris is tops in views from Europe. I'm kind of surprised that would be dropped too...
How many songs did she sing? Probably kept Amy Winehouse....does she even sing 100 Days, 100 Nights anymore?
I thought Haley was also sharing the bill w/ Landau Eugene Murphy Jr, never saw anything w/ Joe Piscopo...so I'm gathering Joe might have been called in to pinch hit for Landau seeing as he was also a news item on TMZ and probably has bigger things to deal with?
Quote:Whitney Ullman @GoToWhitney 2m2 minutes ago
Great seeing @HaleyReinhart for the #500Clubseries at @DanteHallTheatr #AtlanticCity w/ #DaveDamiani & #NoVacancyOrchestra