Second row! Good to see your commitment to seeing Haley was rewarded.
FB recap of tonight's peformance:
Quote:Richard Winfrey
All I can say is Dave Damiani and the No Vacancy Orchestra brought it to AC tonight and the people that couldn't make it.....??? (Not sure why anyone would miss one of these concerts, Dave Damiani AND Haley Reinhart!!!!???) It was swingin'! These guys were so solid in their performance and there was just so much talent on that stage tonight. Dave knows how to guide a show and keep it on course. Dave is a true bandleader in every sense. Haley brought the audience to their knees tonight (after listening to that voice for a few hours all I can say is - SEVERAL people in that audience will get laid after that show, Haley's voice is like liquid's like a 1920's aphrodisiac...forbidden, but far from forgotten. LOVED HER!
Quote:Sarah Matthews
Love her voice!
Quote:Richard Winfrey
She is so great LIVE too! I was right on the stage. Front and center and Haley was right there! It was so terrific! To me, her voice is legendary and yet she's so young. She performed three songs from her new album and it was so great! It was a bonus that she performed Black Hole Sun. Truly.