If you listen around 1:50 when Haley sings "paranoia strikes deep" you can hear a second voice whispering the lyrics....perhaps to accent the "paranoia" part of the song?
(08-10-2017, 03:05 PM)mercfan3 Wrote: Is Haley looking to have a voice in social issues like so many of the artists that she idolizes did? (I would imagine the answer is clearly "yes.") If so, what does being an "activist/advocate" musician mean for her and her choices.
I think Haley's already shown how she expresses her 'activism', her support of BLM & the LGBQT community (as are many of the PMJers like Ariana and Morgan), she hinted about 'feeling the Bern" at the LA show, without outright promoting Sanders, BUT I don't think she's really interested in MAKING A STATEMENT. It seems she puts her point across in more subtle ways, through the songs she sings and writes, a post here and there. She doesn't appear to be interested in engagement and chaotic discourse. She just puts out what she think, most of the time in subtle ways, and let it stand on it's own....
the last time someone challenged her on one of her posts that expressed an opinion on a topic that was controversial
@danesiz1 This is by no means political... This is for all humanity's sake. And even if I wanted to post about political positions or what have you... That is my prerogative. I appreciate your support and I hope someday you'll join us... And the world will live as one.
I think this fully illustrates Haley's take on this type of topic. I don't believe Haley wants to be an 'activist', but that doesn't mean she will stop supporting what she thinks is right. She will post her opinion, allows for other opinions, but feels no need to engage in something that is 100% subjective, so there's no point in arguing...
I think Haley represents her thoughts about what is good for all humanity, for everyone to get along, but probably thinks she has better ways to support her stance than to be an 'activist' aka engaging with opposite philosophies....
IMO totally keeps in character with the person I've learned, over the years, Haley to be