Since I've posted Steve's video of Haley singing "Imagine" I've had quite a few posts I've had to delete angered at what these people believe to be heresy....all they hear is:
'Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too'
completely missing the point of Lennon's (and Haley's) wish for EVERYBODY to get along.
They are so zeroed in on their 'right' 'religion' and 'hate' that they completely miss the point that the many extreme examples of Human on Human violence all throughout history has been propagated and incited by Evil men who've used 'Religion' 'Manifest Destiny" and "Government" as their tool to justify unspeakable horrors on other human beings, all throughout the history of humanity.
When it's one on one, Man can find a way to get along, compromise. When it's an organization of 'Men', it becomes something completely different, it becomes "us vs them".... I only bring this up because in the quote I posted of Haley's response to someone annoyed at her 'being political', she actually quotes Lennon from "Imagine"....
@danesiz1 This is by no means political... This is for all humanity's sake. And even if I wanted to post about political positions or what have you... That is my prerogative. I appreciate your support and I hope someday you'll join us... And the world will live as one.
(Also, the memorial to Lennon in Central Park "Imagine" is the very first image in this video )