(04-23-2012, 07:12 PM)Haleylvr4evr Wrote: Is it still coming on Itunes tonight/tomorrow? Haley hasn't said anything about it, and there hasn't been any other news
I was just on some other websites and I noticed a lot of people are starting to panic. They are saying 19 management does not know how to promote their artists, and also Free was a flop so they have to throw one another song. My guess is that Haley will continue to promote what she started, and that is FREE. Also if you listen to Wonderland, there is a lot of background vocals a lot of vocals that probably Haley has contributed to and also other effects. If you really listen to the song you will know what I'm talking about. So why would they want to debut something like that on live TV in a different setting? She will do fine ,and she is working hard, and if by any chance she does not succeed it will not be because of her inability to write good music or sing good songs. It will be People's choice, because they don't know good music or have listened to much of the toxic waste that's on the radio today. All we have to worry about is do we love Haley enough to continue to support her music? And if we do things will happen in their own time. I'm still betting on her.