I just had a nice Facebook conversation with Haley's KVCR interviewer David Fleming:
David Fleming shared his first post.
New Member · 1 hr
Haley’s recent interview on KVCR-FM is in the KVC-Arts archives at kvcrnews.org/arts. As pointed out, there were indeed a few items not touched on, but the publicist hired to arrange interviews kept me on a STRICT 30 minutes. I had questions about “F is for Family” AND the New Orleans Jazz Orchestra, but skipped them due to time constraint. I didn’t know about the Playboy connection, and certainly would have sequed somehow with that had I known. The Patty Farmer interview (Playboy) was actually 2 years old when her book was new – just pulled back out due to Hefner’s recent death.
Join host David Fleming for a program dedicated to Arts and Entertainment in our region, as well as the people and places providing it. Interviews with
Steve Klumpp
Steve Klumpp Thanks David...I believe you are responding to some comments I made. Am I allowed to post this link?:
10/18/17 - Haley Reinhart, Patty Farmer
On this edition of KVC-Arts, we sit down with author Patty Farmer to discuss her book Playboy Swings: How…
Steve Klumpp
Steve Klumpp Oh I see you also had a link above.
David Fleming
David Fleming Hi Steve, I was indeed responding to your statements, which I appreciated. I wasn't able to comment or post in the section where you posted though, so I'm glad you saw this. If I'd not had the time constraint I had, I would have enjoyed (easily) speaking with Haley for a full hour or so. NOJO, F is for Family, her ealier works, philosophy toward performance... SO much more I was literally crossing off my list as I stared at the clock glaring at me.
I sure wish I'd known about the Playboy connection though
David Fleming And yes, while I did include a link, fell free to post and share asw often as you see fit.
Steve Klumpp
Steve Klumpp Haley offers great in depth responses doesn't she? I love her interviews as much as I love her music...well almost.
David Fleming
David Fleming She sure does. I'd interview her again in a heartbeat (((HALEY! Ya reading this?))). I will also admit that I had no idea who she was until the disc was sent to me (by a guy I was working with regarding Trans Siberian Orchestra?!?!?!).
I became an INSTANT fan, and appreciate the three originals on What's That Sound more than the covers - which I'm realllllllly into as well.