(04-25-2012, 08:55 PM)Haleylvr4evr Wrote: Does anyone else have a bad feeling about "Oh my"? I dont know, but I just feel like I won't like that song too much because of the rapping
Depends what kind it is....if it's just fast talking that would be ok, but if it is like "hard core rap" then I wont like it. I'm sure tho that once I hear Haley's beautiful voice the song will get better, but we'll just have to wait and see what happens.
Btw, don't tell Haley I said this...don't wanna hurt her feelings.
And Haley, if you do see this, don't worry....all your songs are AMAZING and I'll always love you no matter what <3
Opps oH WELL I just tweeted Haley and told her but she's not mad.. Just kidding. I understand how you feel about about the rapping as I just made a big deal about it in my previous post. I don't think it'll be hard-core kinda like gangster rap or anything of that nature, it might be subtle it might not be. Were just have to wait and see. But like I said I hope people are not going one to listen to this particular song for the wrong reason and that is just to listen to their favorite rapper talk HIS SHIT.