Haley seems reflective. She recently posted several photographs from her time in the studio at this time last year.
No promises though of anything new being in the works. Kind of makes me think she's eager to return to the studio, but is in a "what next" mode.
After doing classic rock, a jazz album would satisfy the hunger of many. I'm not sure we should expect that unless it is to buy time until she released more original music. I'm thinking it might take longer this cycle since she has expressed a desire to learn an instrument.
Then there's the management shakeup to deal with. If she doesn't plan on doing much anytime soon, she can probably save some bucks by going it alone for awhile.
A sharp reduction in live performances would probably indicate she is focused on preparing her next act behind the scenes.
Next weekend, there's a show with Dave Damiani and The No Vacancy Orchestra featuring Landau Murphy Jr in Palm Springs. That's relatively close -- especially compared to Atlantic City -- and Haley's not involved. So she might not be planning to hook up with them anytime in the near future.