Just putting it out there, yes, Haley is probably reflective, year ending/beginning, find
most people reassessing (plus the reflective nature of what she wrote on the posts). On the other hand, all the photos are from Monika Lightstone... it's entirely possible that she posted these photos because Monika recently sent them to her and she's had a chance to look them over after a busy year's end of touring, PMJ and family/friends time?
I think 2017 is significant not only w/ signing w/ Concord & touring, but I think it's also the year where Haley made significant inroads in Networking contacts, not only in the music business, but in other media as well.
So I'm going to throw in that I think it's not unlikely, that Haley will get some kind of gig in front of the camera, whether it would be a cameo, or a commercial or even possibly showing up on Idol or the Voice as a mentor, or guess judge.
Two of the talents she worked w/ on FiFF, MAJOR talents, won Golden Globes, last night, Sam Rockwell (Vic) and Laura Dern (Sue Murphy). We haven't heard Haley befriend anyone on that 'level' publicly, but knowing how Haley is able to positively impress people....I would not be surprised if Haley has left them w/ a positive impression.... I don't know, I just think the combination of the situation she's created for herself, in her career, at this point, combined w/ her network & networking skills....it just feels like there's a possible tipping point pending and we will see her in one way or other trying her hand at acting.
As far as learning to play an instrument, I have to believe she's better than beginner level, possibly adept, just need to fine tune, so I don't see it possibly taking so much time that it prevents her from
acting on opportunities that arise. Also, learning to play an instrument well, could possibly mean a few shows to 'practice' in front of a live audience.... one possibility is I can see her going the "SoFar" route of private, 'secret', location announced days before the show, performances. Something Drew already does for his shows. It's a 'public' stage, but controlled, an environment that's relatively relaxing, so the pressure isn't quite as high to sing whilst playing an instrument