(02-26-2018, 04:17 PM)mercfan3 Wrote: Interesting, the whole "these people are all in cohorts with each other." Does she mean the prosecutors and nightclub? It wouldn't surprise me if they are.
It's unlikely she was talking about the court system including the prosecutor.
I think the 'cohorts' thing refers to the Lamplighter and the local police. The history of bouncer abuse, the fact that the police allow it to continue doing business even though it regularly goes down there to pick up drunks, break up fight, implies that they allow it because it's easy revenue for them w/o much effort.
Up here, if a business continues unable to control how drunk it gets it's patrons, doing something to reduce fights, normally those kinds of businesses get fined so much they can't operate, or they have to shut down and move elsewhere.
The Lamplighter is a Palatine institution and despite the continued issues of fighting and drunkenness, has been allowed to continue operating, the police have allowed it and are happy to take the revenue from fines and jail time
I'm hoping people see perspective in this, that Haley has the opportunity to get this off her record despite video evidence, and not go after the courts on social media. I think they HAD to charge Haley w/ something from the video evidence, so charged her w/ the minimum w/ a chance to get rid of it completely from her record. If there's video of Haley indeed punching the bouncer in the face, which could be argued initiated the brawl, they can't drop the charge.
If it was hearsay, her word against theirs' (Haley w/ no history of trouble, Lamplighter w/ years of evidence of over the top abuse), then the court might have leeway to not charge Haley at all.
Video evidence didn't give the court that option.
As PJ says, the video evidence is public record, so we will likely see it eventually, probably via TMZ (who have their hands full right now, Heather Locklear apparently assaulted Police officers )