From Jay, #31 on iTunes, Jake reported that LKG was #78 overall....
I've given up guessing what people like any more, way before today. On my channel, there's no real way to tell which video will hit and which will stagnate. Often I'd post one that I feel has everything, multiple angles, dynamic performance and good audio, and then it'll be outdone by a video that's not so great and people complaining about the audio....
So even though there are some 'duds' on my channel, if they're close to being 'good', I post them, because, again, I can't predict what people will like.
As far as Haley's original's potential, I find myself having to explain to people that don't pay attention like we do, I really do believe that a song's advertising sync potential is a factor for which song Haley produces. SMYM is THE example of that. IIRC the song was met with less than enthusiasm because most wanted something Jazzy, something classical...they didn't expect SMYM, yet, Ole was able to turn that around and make money for themselves and Haley.
I think there is good sync potential for LKG, even though it's not a typical release you might expect from Haley, and on top of that you have a song that really displays Haley's vocals spectacularly