RE: Oct 5th, 2018 - Haley show at The Hotel Cafe (Hollywood)
I wish I was there to witness the incredible LIVE performance of Haley’s “Undone”, but was so fortunate to see Haley, her family, Midnight and fellow Haliens at PAVE. Beautiful video Tusk, again fantastic viewing angles and video editing and the audio completely captures Haley’s gorgeous tone and emotion of the song. I’m so happy there is an Official Live Video of "Undone". What an iconic piece of art! Glad the camcorder worked out. The closeup shots with your Canon, I think, showing Haley’s vivid facial expressions are the best for me. Congrats and thank you so much!
Great video Rachel. ”You Showed Me” is probably my top two off of the “What’s That Sound?” album. Thank you for being the inspiration for Haley's first live performance of the song and filming it. Great time to be a Halien!