Filming with orchestra.
h/t PJ
Quote:Some days I believe in magic
Südbahnhotel Semmering
Quote:The original Suedbahnhotel Semmering (also called "Hotel Semmering" or "First Suedbahnhotel") was the first hotel on 1823 at the foot of Pinkenkogel Mountain-at exactly 1000 m above sea level. The Southern Railway Hotel on Semmering was one of several hotels along the Southern Railway route from Vienna to Trieste which were commissioned to stimulate the tourism in the respective regions and thus the Southern Railway route from the privileged K. uk Southern Railway Company. Semmering what already makes it easy to reach this time through the pioneering achievement of the Semmering Railways and what makes it a popular holiday and spa resort. Semmering was popular with Viennese society as well as multi-national guests from all levels of the royal monarchy. Fin de Siècle and Belle Époche are two eras at the end of the 19th century and / or at the beginning of the 20th century which were characteristic of the Semmering highway hotel, but not just social-political and sports history perspectives. A section of the Austrian tourism history so had its start here.
Apparently the hotel is in the process of being restored.