Performance vs Song
Haley's two most popular performances are "Can't Help Falling in Love" and "Creep." Several times a day someone posts to social media a recording of them singing CHFIL ('the Haley Reinhart version"). This is understandable because it's a classic song beautifully delivered. "Creep" is a modern classic, but relatively few people attempt to sing it in the style Haley did.
I think the major distinction is people feel more comfortable trying to emulate Haley singing CHFIL than they do trying to sing "Creep" like she did.
Which leads me to these observations...
Most songs become a hit because people feel they can sing along to them. Or part of them (say a big chorus).
What attracts many to Haley though is her singing ability. They want to see and hear her perform. So when she asked this week "Curious what you guys wanna hear live???" (on tour) most responded by naming someone else's songs.
This then is the question:
Haley produces interesting music. But how accessible is it? How comfortable do people feel jumping in and singing along? Does her musical background and singing ability lead to more complex songs that people find difficult to emulate?
I feel like a good sing-along song could lead to a big breakthrough.