(12-12-2019, 12:23 PM)Nicicarus Wrote: We still haven't seen full rock Haley
I'd beg to differ, on tour, Haley transformed many of her originals into full on rock and roll spectaculars. At least from my channel's point of view, of late, Haley's most rock and roll performances like
Shook in Chicago have been getting on average more views than her jazz/pop performances. We know that Haley's "Wild Horses" has been a very popular video for years since I posted it, closing in on 3.5 million views in 4 years (2019 will be the first year since posted WH doesn't get 1 million views in a year). That's an untapped market for Haley as far as I'm concerned. WH brings in a lot of eyes from the rock fans, I expect that's where the bump in the more rock videos come from... Upgrading her touring bands with two exceptional guitarists also pointed her music towards a more rock experience. Good or Bad from Seattle quickly got over 50,000 views in a little over 5 weeks, remarkable for a Haley original....