RE: Haley In 2022!
I deleted my previous post as I might've vented more than I wanted to.
I get the frustration, trust me. I'm doing what I can to post Haley media for fans to consume, weekly. Yes, I'm not Haley, nor do I consider my videos that professional, I've never claimed they are. But understand, one reason my channel even exists is because we've gone through long stretches w/o Haley being public about anything. The channel has subscribers because there was no where else you could get consistent Haley content because there wasn't activity to be had.
You've heard me always thankful that Casey is Haley's friend because I credit Casey for keeping us up to date about Haley when she was MIA through his social media. The 2014 Room 5 performances I've been posting are from Casey bringing Haley out slowly to start performing, timing is everything because that led to Haley joining PMJ w/ Casey months later.
We've had multiple long stretches w/ Haley not active on social media before, and like I said, she was one of the last from S10 to get on social media. She's had more time being inactive than active on social media since Idol.
In ten years of following Haley, one should know she is a creature of passion, an empath, a creature of 'vibes' of 'looking for the signs'... when you're out of sorts, those signs aren't as clear. Maybe that's the problem, maybe not, but you can't expect an artist to produce when they're not inspired to do so.
Many OG Haliens have heard my story before. By no means am I near as talented or have as high a potential as Haley, but I consider myself a creative, most of my life until I decided to convert my creativity into a career. Once I graduated, I found that I found no inspiration in creating or being creative anymore, my life suddenly lost that joy....for almost 20 years until I happened upon Haley, then the floodgates opened. I had found my inspiration, my 'Muse'.
That's how creativity and creatives work. It's not a switch you can turn on and off (sure, there are some who are able to do that, but not most). All I know is Haley's had a lot of things that have impacted her, at least 5 close relatives have passed, One of our own, Penny, was a close family friend, she lost a child hood friend early during the pandemic (the drummer from the movie "School of Rock") and her drummer from the Troubadour/Ribfest died shortly after getting married just recently...that's a lot for an empath to process, probably enough to knock her off her center.
If you've followed her Instagram stories, you see she's posts a lot of self affirmations, alot of holistic things about nature and speaking things into existence, and deserving what you've worked hard on. This tells me she's trying to find her center.
People who haven't been on the ride for the last ten years forget about the 'dark times' when all we had was to entertain ourselves until Haley posts something. Sure this stretch has been longer than those, but she's promised more music, so let's take her word for it until she finds her center then she can be 100% when she tours.
About fewer people posting on Twitter. Yes, the pandemic and inactivity is a major reason, but also understand, Idol was 11 years ago, many of her fans who were on Twitter were young and Twitter was a new platform. Since then, many of those younger fans who rabidly posted on Twitter have grown up, got married, are raising families, graduated and are moving on to their careers. They don't have the time they used to, to post endlessly on Twitter.
One of Haley's biggest fans, Avelene, was 14(?) during Season 10 and was a big time poster on Twitter for years. She has since graduated and become a nurse, recently privating her social media accounts and has stopped tweeting. Life goes on.
I'd say that's as much a reason for less twitter traffic than being less active on social media. Haley has still a reputation and a lot of fans who love her, more discovering her daily. A reason I started my channel was also for new fans to see more of her performances. In that, my channel is still bringing in new fans, so it's not like it'll all go away.
When Haley is ready, we will again enjoy all she has to offer, but until then, give her space, enjoy what she already put out, and interact w/ her when she gives you the opportunity....
Finally, when I was growing up, there was no internet, you were lucky if your music magazine had any blurb on your favorite band, and your band showing up on late night tv after Saturday Night Live might be the highlight of your fandom for the year.
We are incredibly spoiled rotten that we now have means to literally have a conversation w/ our favorite artist on any given day. Sometime a reminder is needed how lucky we are.
Give her space, give her time to heal, give her time to find herself, then she will be able to give her 100%.