I really appreciate your thoughtful reply, Tusk. It's true that I'm not your typical twitter fan, and that I can be very suggestive in my style and sense of humor. I realize some will take offense to that, and accept the fact that goes with the territory.
Like you said, Haley's sexuality is just one of her many talented components. She's not one-dimensional, and shouldn't be judged as such. I'm in the same boat in a way. When I comment on Haley's seductive qualities, it's usually with double-entendre because I enjoy engaging in intelligent, provocative humor. Many just don't get that, and think I'm degrading or disrespecting her. Those who do understand me usually appreciate the fun that I bring to the conversation and join in the banter.
I mean, a timeline filled with nothing but "OMG! Haley, why are you so perfect!" is so boring and redundant it makes me want to blow my brains out after awhile. I love the interaction that I have with my more sophisticated followers who feel the same way. I realize there's some people who will be offended along the way, but as the song goes: You can't please everyone, so you got to please yourself.
Anyway, if you read my review you can see that the sexual references are limited to songs where Haley intentionally uses her heat. She's selling it, I'm buying it, and it would be wrong for me not to acknowledge it. The songs that are not about seduction I review accordingly, too.
Same goes for twitter. If you know me, you know that I'm far from one-dimentional. Unless attacked, I'm sensitive to others, kind, and my entire purpose for tweeting is to make others laugh, smile, or gain a little thoughtful insight. Sometimes I'm sure I've gone over-the-top, but never, ever with the intention of hurting anyone.
Look, Haley's no prude, and she's pretty damn sharp, so I'm certain she appreciates my comments and humor in the spirit they're intended. When I met her we shared laughs about drinking out of a flask. She herself chose to follow me on twitter before her management team started with the bulk follows.
Anyway, I hope we can be friends now. If I do happen to say something that offends you, please understand my intentions were only to make you smile, laugh, or maybe appreciate a clever new perspective. If you want to take issue with me, please let me know politely, or better yet privately with a DM or Private Message. I promise to afford you the same courtesy in return.