(05-13-2012, 04:30 PM)midnightblues Wrote: (05-13-2012, 03:50 PM)My Alter Ego Wrote: (05-13-2012, 03:27 PM)midnightblues Wrote: They could've changed it very easily. When Haley song UOK they had to change a couple of verses up to be more suitable. Why not, bail and hell do not rhyme anyways. They could've said, I have to miles before he makes bail, and if I'm right were headed back to jail something like that. I think Jesus was more normal than most Christians I know.
Changing the word "hell" to something else that rhymed does not change the questionable message of the song (an abused woman intent on murdering her abuser, perhaps because the "system" systematically fails to protect the abused), given that AI attempts to sell itself as a "family" show.
On a more pleasant note, MNB my hat is off (well, if I wore one it would be off) to you in joining John in the ranks of "Posting Freak!"
Moved up in the ranks? Well I look at it this way, if the song was so much a question and if American Idol thought that it would be not the best choice for a family show they could've just said let's to another choice. Unfortunately that is not how AI works. Miranda Lambert when she came out with her album titled Gunpower and Led, there was a lot of controversy ,and Miranda Lambert took a lot of crap as being the type of woman that you don't want to cross. In a interview she came to her own defense saying that it was just a song, and that she is not the type of woman that would do harm to anyone. After all her mother and father were both detectives yikes.
Yes, it is just a song, but why does AI let this song be performed on the show as is, but has to alter the lyrics to "You Oughta Know." It, too, is just a song, and is not talking about premeditated murder.