Quote:"...what are your thoughts about this moment in pop music? Where do you think you fit in as an artist?"
“I think I fit in the new wave that’s about to roll on in. I’m really, really happy, it really is the perfect time for me. The kind of music that I’ve always wanted to create — unless I was a huge, new innovator — I don’t think that I would have had such a chance until now. Right now, there are people like — well, Amy Winehouse, when she was around, bless her soul, she got things rolling — and Adele and Gotye and fun., and people like that who are really stretching the bill. They’re creating this lane and just opening up people’s ears and minds to more ‘raw’ music like we’re talking about.”
What I like about this is that she not only acknowledges other artists as she has done before but flat out states she wouldn't have had as much liberty on her album if not for them. That would have required a longer path to getting a record deal. She could not have been a "huge, new innovator" coming off show like Idol.
I also liked who was given prominence in this answer:
Quote:"This time there’s just one featured guest on your album, B.o.B. [lead track and reported second single "Oh My!"], besides your dad, who plays guitar on a few tracks. Looking to the future, if you could record a duet with anyone, whom would you choose?"
“I definitely want to continue to do stuff with Casey Abrams from Idol. We’re gonna collaborate together more. There’s other people out there, ladies like Esperanza Spaulding or Janelle Monae or Corinne Bailey Rae. I love the three of them so much, that would be amazing. Paul McCartney. I wish. That’s a dream!”
Given we know she recorded something for Casey's album recently it serves as an indication she respects what he is creating. Casey fretted a few days ago on Facebook about the pressure to compromise:
Quote:I'm sitting here Wondering what matters more, being popular, or doing what you love. I don't know what I'm doing anymore. I'm talking to 90,000 people as if you were 1 person. I want to be proud of my work. I just want to make music for music sake, not radio sake. Is it funny we are making music in this day and age to try to fit in to a certain equation. Artistry can never be compromised.