i never understood why peeps went so crazy over music and the artists that performed them. never really felt a connection with any really. yeah, every once in while i would find a song or two i would like. But nothing like obsession i would see from some people. i just didnt get it. why couldnt i see what they saw…..
They haley happened.. and i was hooked… literally listening to every interview….any tweet…. any news article… watching utube twenty times a day…. wearing out my repeat button… downloading itunes….. haley you changed my whole perspective…… i still find hard to believe ive become one of those peeps…. and i couldnt be happier.
Comment by matt – June 20, 2011 04:33 PM PDT
Quote:To paraphrase Casey…
“She put a spell on you……’Cause you’re Hers”…
I’m right there with you, Matt, really peculiar for me too.
Comment by Tusk – June 20, 2011 04:46 PM PDT
I miss Haley like crazy ever since AI ended. It still boggles my mind how invested I became in her Idol journey. I can’t get enough of her videos, her studio recordings, her Idoloonies and other interviews, her EP now, etc, etc, etc. I’m on pins and needles waiting to hear about her first record, I simply cannot wait!!! Fingers crossed we’ll be hearing the crazy talented Lady Reinhart on the radio in the not too distant future and for many many years to come.
Comment by Terry – June 28, 2011 11:12 PM PDT
Quote: Tom Hanks
"I must say I never voted until last week. I voted for the first time. I voted for Haley. I voted twice. And not to take anything from the other kids. But I was walking around and I didn’t even realize I was doing it – and Rita asked – ‘what is it you keep whistling and humming?’” Tom said, as he slapped his head “I’m humming Rhiannon because of her (Haley’s) rendition of Rhiannon she sang that night.”
Comment by andy – June 20, 2011 09:54 PM PDT
Lauren Alaina:
“I’m Haley’s number one fan. I listen to her songs on iTunes over and over.”
Comment by whynotcanada – June 20, 2011 08:42 PM PDT
Quote:It’s truly amazing how many of us literally stumbled upon Haley singing on American Idol. My husband and I have never been big fans of reality shows, and I’m not a big fan of my husband’s channel surfing affliction either! Boy…do I ever love his bad habit now! We would never have heard Haley singing ”Rolling in the Deep”. We had never heard that song before, either, and that’s really amazing to immediately love a song you’ve never heard before and by a complete unknown (referring to Haley). We were mesmerized, and worse…we’re hooked. And totally pathetic, too, according to our teenage sons. I find myself SURFING the internet daily, now, also looking for any tidbit on Haley. What is wrong with me??? There are going to be some very rich and happy psychiatrists out there, couches full of neurotic fans (will need group sessions to accommodate us all!) if Haley doesn’t get an album (or 10) out soon! Great interview by Slezak. Now….back to Youtube!
Comment by Jean – June 20, 2011 08:43 PM PDT
haley really impressed me with “FALLIN” then “BLUE” ( I’m no country fan) but I heard the song before. I was amazed. I was pulling for Pia b/c she’s from my home town and I know some local wedding band singers. But I told my wife this Girl Haley is going to give Pia a run for her money. Then I found Haley singing “baby it’s you” and “god bless the child” and I WAS FLOORED, totally knocked out. I ‘ve seen many top class back up singers live who have preformed with { marah carey, alicia keys, ashford and simpson, chaka khan, etc etc} This girl Haley one of the best I’ve heard in a long time. I know now for a fact I could have taken Haley to some of the most HARDEST R&B /BLUES joints in NEW YORK CITY. And she would have won over the hardest crowd. P.s. One night I was at Ashford and Simpsons club, and John Rich ( who the hell is he) cowboy hat and all walks in , gets on stage and has all the bro.’s rocking in short order. I’m a fan since then. Haley has that same type of aura
Comment by quido3 – June 20, 2011 09:34 PM PDT
Quote:I also had absolutely no interest in following american idol this season.
But one day a few months ago now i saw on youtube’s most popular front page an american idol video for the very first time, so i clicked it and watched.
It was this stunningly attractive girl singing benny and the jets with such an amazing and unique voice, and i can honestly say for the first time in my life i felt an instant connection to someone.
Call it falling head over heals, call it love at first sight, i don’t know i’m not usually the sappy type.
Comment by David (UK) – June 20, 2011 09:46 PM PDT
What an incredible growth arc Haley had. She got me with “Blue” , the song where she totally schooled the country kids. If you haven’t yet, listen to Lauren doing the same song at the Grand Ole Opry. Not even in the same zip code as Haley’s killer version. Look at her eyes at the end of HOTRS and IWHN. That is the look of a Slayer who batted aside all that was hurled at her and threw down!
“I just killed, people. Take that!”
For some reason, hearing the line “She’s got electric boots and mo-hair suits” continues to make me smile.
Thanks Haley. That was a hell of a show.
Comment by Long Live the Slayer! – June 21, 2011 03:06 PM PDT