Harry Reinhart during Haley's hometown visit:
Quote:“I always knew she was a toughie, but I didn't know she was this tough,” said Harry, looking at the trail of photographers, cameras and reporters up and down Wheeling High School's hall. “This is going to make a hell of a scrapbook.”
“Thanks, dad,” said Haley, leaning in for a hug.
I’ve said before it took a while for me to get on the Haley bus, but I honestly consider it an honor and humbling to have watched someone so young (20 yrs old – my god, I found mid-terms overwhelming) stand her ground against people so well-known and so malicious. It’s rather bizarre (and perhaps evidence of a higher power) that after going to such lengths to avoid giving Haley any screen time or personal edits, the producers inadvertently gifted her with the ‘narrative’ that captured the attention of not just Idol viewers but all those performers quoted above. After all, we wouldn’t have seen her extraordinary courage and integrity if she hadn’t been faced with such heinous behavior. Hah! I love poetic justice – it’s my favorite kind. Rock on, sweet hippy chick.
Comment by Renee – June 20, 2011 11:41 PM PDT