(05-19-2012, 05:48 PM)Tusk Wrote: Well, Doing what she does, you kind of have to have a 'black and white' attitude....dealing with too many shades of grey is too much stress and too much time. She's been fair with me, I had multiple run ins regarding the shipping threads and never got suspended, but I was able to state my case, but always in a respectful manner as to not cloud the issue with an attitue.
After a week, I guessed at what happened to you and PM'd Miguel to confirm. I was concerned for HipHopgamer too, as he disappeared by that time too, but I think that had more to do with him trying to shed his doppleganger.
You're a lot tamer on this site than at IDF, your penchant for OTT exposition was bound to rub someone the wrong one way or other. Sarcasm, joking, generalisation ....there are many ways to be misinterpreted through this medium, so when you insert humor or sarcasm into the mix, there will be a percentage of folk who take you lieterally
I copied the thread link for you, where I stated my position regarding IF:
I did not have a chance to state my case with Istersay, there is no due process for that site, which they state in the rules. Absolute power is given to the Mods...we all know what happens when someone has absolute power. Once you are suspended you cannot contact anyone in administration who oversees a Mod.
It actually is the people that lack a sense of humor that cause most of the problems on these forums. They take offense at the drop of a hat. I have no desire to placate people who consider these fan issues on a par with real life problems.
I enjoy the banter and humor associated with following Haley and those who share that perspective. I found many of them on YouTube and we all enjoyed the unrestricted postings there. There are many here on Miguel's site that like to have fun with this whole Halien thing too.
Just because you were able to avoid a suspension does not mean that Istersay is reasonable or a mature adult.
There were no issues with me on IF. I had an excellent track record of respecting everyone there. It was only the one pseudo Haley fan that didn't want to explain her reasoning on a shipping post. She contacted Istersay to have me suspended based on whatever she said. Istersay never contacted me before the suspension.
We're off topic here, but I just get a sense that you feel my style is somehow offensive to others...as mentioned above. I had plenty of others from YouTube & Idoloonies mention your proclivity for pontificating. If it makes you feel better about yourself to judge my style of posting...well have at it.