(05-23-2012, 11:38 AM)Flask Man Wrote: My take...
1. Bad start. "Auditions" and "Hollywood Week" have become so stale, boring and predictable that nobody cares anymore. The live shows begin with very little buzz as a result.
2. The Joshua Effect. The judges literally gave him a standing ovation every performance, every show, the entire season, starting in Hollywood. In addition, they told him he was he greatest singer of the past 50 years, best to ever appear on a talent show, best to ever live, and best that any of them have ever seen or heard. The desperation pimping was so flagrant it turned the judges and the show into laughingstocks.
3. Lack of dynamic talent. The "big moments" that create water cooler discussion and buzz were not there, and the "standing ovations" were obviously predetermined and contrived. Without any "wow" factor apathy sets in.
4. No sex appeal. Last season had Haley and Pia, and it doesn't get any hotter than that. Guys love ogling and drooling over hot babes, and the fact that these girls also happened to be tremendous singers made it legit. The girls had their Fano eye-candy to heart-throb over, too. This year? Nothing.
5. The Season 10 shadow. Last year had a heavy impact on this year, more than ever, because fans were not letting go of their previous season Idols like before. Not only Haliens, but also McReerians, Durbinators, Alainers, etc, all clung to their AI10 favorites so tightly that they never got their hearts behind this season's bland crop.
6. Talent show burnout. Too many singing competitions now, so everything runs together. When Idol was the only gig in town it meant more. Now? It's sometimes hard to keep track of who's on what show. The Voice, X-Factor, Idol, America's Got Talent, Duets....ENOUGH! I'm done with it.
Flaskman.... Very incitefull! I cannot tell you how sickening we felt the outrageous pimping of Joshua was. It was so insulting at times that we actually became totally turned off by ALL of the judging commentaries. How pitiful was it watching J-Blo having to get the nod from Randy before she would stand up? Yikes..
The outrageous proclamations of this being the greatest talented season in AI history.. how ignorant!
My wife didn't even want to watch AI until it got pared down to the top 10. She's done with it for the future and maybe me too.
It's been our honest belief that the winner of AI was pre-determined long ago and that phoney baloney BS "save" of Jessica Sanchez was scripted all along!
Your sex appeal statement couldn't be more significant! Totally concur.