(05-23-2012, 03:43 PM)LegallyReinhart Wrote: Oh boo hoo. Haley didn't sell like an established artist.
Let's wallow about it instead of supporting her and being positive!
....seriously.... We've waited this long and have been rewarded with an album and songs beyond what we could have hoped for and this is what we do after one day?
I dropped off one CD that I bought in LA to my sister-in-law and made her promise that she would listen to it at least twice. I gave one to my mother and told her I expect her or her friends to come up with a dance routine to any one of Haley's songs (Believe it or not, she was very impressed with the beat and the vibe of "Oh My"...the rap didn't even phase her. She said she's seen many dancers dance to songs with rap in it. She also liked "Free" alot.)
"Come on Sister, no more cryin', it's around the corner, there's no denyin'"
In Haley I trust