(05-23-2012, 03:13 PM)Miguel Wrote: Don't forget Haley also had her album leak before it went on sale.
LOL I want those 'fans' to tell me again how spreading the link to the leaked album 'helps' sales....
Probably the same one's playing Chicken Little today (general term of reference not directed at you Flaskman for your above post, obviously you didn't do this...have to make this clear even though I'll be accused of it anyway the way it's been going)....
I had two of them beg me to upload songs to the internet so we can "help promote Haley" even after giving me crap for not 'being cool' with basically giving the album away for free. What balls they had..... SMH
(05-23-2012, 07:21 PM)Flask Man Wrote: Who quit on Haley? Being disappointed in lower than expected sales numbers means you care, not that you've turned your back. C'mon man!
Funny? I don't see anywhere in my post accusing anyone of quitting on Haley....I swear sometimes I feel I'm speaking another language.... (I'm accused of bagging on Haley's thighs when all I did was point out her pants might be grey because of the lights....I thought I was posting in English, but somehow words are being put into my mouth...)
It's not about who quit on Haley, it's about staying positive and spreading the word....Read the posts at IDF and mjs, it's as if Haley shouldn't have even tried. She's failed before day two after her debut, the way some of these 'fans' are reacting.
Why spread the negative, why not focus on the positive, of a quality album by a quality new artist.
If you've followed Haley's journey at all you know she doesn't shy from adversity, and has the tools to handle what she comes up against. It's always been an uphill battle for her since Idol, and her parents have prepared her well for show business....critics to the left of me critics to the right, and we fans have held on with her...That's all I'm asking....keep the faith.
"C'mon man" , it's been ONE DAY!! It's not how you start, it's how you finish.