Nice post Haley-holic made on IF in response to the Musiqtone review:
Quote:I also had little to no interest in American Idol as a program. Which is why I only dragged myself through season 10 because of this incredible young artist. I totally agree with this reviewer. She is singular. She will find her audience. Or rather, her audience will find her. But it will be a journey. Love doesn't come on demand. It comes when you least expect it. Haley will get her love from the public. Not just Idol worshipers, but people like me and the above reviewer.
I was sitting in the cafe at Barnes and Noble , writing the post for my blog. I decided to go up to the music section to look for Listen Up!. I found her in the featured CD rack at the front. Only one copy left. I picked it up and looked at the little yellow post it note that read "Haley Reinhart". I almost expected to see it followed by "was here".
People will read the reviews, by and by. They'll come into Barnes and Noble to pick up "50 Shades of Grey" then go to the music section and put on the headphones to sample what's out there. And they'll sample Haley. They'll be bowled over like our friend above. And they'll pick it up. This will happen in marketplaces, both online and brick and mortar. And these instances of musical gob-smacking love (my apologies to our British Haliens if I misspelled that) will happen, multiply and build into a very healthy band of support for Haley. Ensuring her career's longevity.
She already has the support of music industry insiders and superstars. And she has the guiding hand of Jimmy Iovine at her back. The same hand that has the backs of Mary J. Blige (who calls Jimmy her great protector), Eminem, Lady GaGa, Beyonce and U2 from their earliest days.
The stars are aligned and Haley's taking full advantage. I am nothing but optimistic about her future. These initial days belong to us, the converted, the Haley choir.
The weeks and months ahead will belong to the surprised but delighted music lovers who may think Idol is high stakes karaoke, but can't resist the charms and overwhelming talent of this young, phenomenon that sprang from it.
You go, girl.