Highest YouTube View Counts for Female Artists (w/ no featured guest)
Adele - 296,204,960 views
Katy Perry - 294,331,171 views
Nicki Minaj - 253,492,187 views
Rihanna - 226,208,867 views
Beyonce - 176,824,225 views
Lady Gaga - 171,047,890 views
Jen-Lopez - 48,902,257 views (vid w/Pitbull has 544,945,596)
Kelly Clarkson - 38,664,010 views
Amy Winehouse -
Esperanza Spalding -
As of a week after her death, the total number of Amy Winehouse albums that had been sold was about 2.65 million units in the U.S., with "Back To Black," accounting for 2.3 million of those sales. Her songs had been scanned 3.38 million times in the U.S., with "Rehab" leading the way at 1.4 million.
Corinne Bailey Rae is an artist Haley looks up to. Her most popular video on YouTube, "Put Your Records On," was posted in September 2006. It has
5,981,263 views. Her next most popular video was posted in October 2007 . It has
The view counts for Corinne and Esperanza are not that high compared to the biggest female stars. Haley's Idol videos and view counts for "Free" rival them. And that's with Corinne having two hit singles on her debut album.
Corinne's history includes:
- Released "Like a Star", in November 2005
- Debut album, Corinne Bailey Rae, released February 2006
- She becomes the 4th female British act in history to have 1st album debut at number one.
- Album entered the Top 10 of the U.S.Billboard 200, peaking at #4
- Album spent 71 weeks on BB200 chart from 2006 to 2008
- 1.9 million copies of the album were sold in the United States
- Lead single, "Like a Star" became a hit in the UK and US, and sold over 327,000 US downloads
- Follow-up single "Put Your Records On" rose to #2 in the UK, and sold over 945,000 US downloads.
- She received 3 nominations at the 2007 Grammy Awards: Record of the Year, Song of the Year (both for "Put Your Records On"), and Best New Artist.
The audience for Haley's music may be smaller than we like. The music that is critically acclaimed is not typically the music that garners the most attention (Adele being the clear exception). The attention it does receive is typically sparked by a hit single.
Haley needs a hit. Once she gets that people will check out the other songs and the album itself could become a smash.