(06-04-2012, 11:39 AM)Haleylvr4evr Wrote: Shouldn't all her songs be getting played on the radio? I thought that's what usually happens when a new cd comes out. I dont know anything about this stuff, but always thought thats how it works
Theoretically, a radio station can play any song. But if they played every song off every album they couldn't hold an audience because the quality would vary widely and no song would have a chance to develop a following. So, for practical reasons, the record labels choose which songs to promote.
Quote:As the record nears completion, the A&R department works closely with the artist to determine if the record is acceptable to the record company...A key issue is whether the album has a single: a particular track which can be used to market the record on radio. As Tom Petty sang in "Into the great wide open", the industry cliché, "I don't hear a single!", refers to this process.
In Haley's case, they chose "Free" to be the single. They shot a video, bought ads and had Haley promote it. Even with all that effort, it has been slow to gain radio play. Once Haley has a hit and gains name recognition, it will be easier for her to get radio play for other songs and future albums.