I for one am glad "Free" is being given a fair shot at more exposure. I know she didn't write it, but she performs it like it was hers, and IMO it is the perfect song of the album as a portend of what to expect from Haley, musically, on the album.
"Oh My" while being radio friendly, would have been a bad decision as her first single to take on her small radio tours because they would have either had someone do the rap, or play a recording of it....which if you think about it, would have been a terrible idea....what would Haley do while it was playing? Stood to the side and dance?
"Undone", while beautiful, would not have been as effective a showcase for Haley's style and potential as "Free", and "Spiderweb" is a bonus track which automatically disqualifies it as a "First" single.
But then what do I know, many of my favorites are consistently listed in the bottom halves of the lists on IDF anyways (Free, Wonderland, NTYH, Liar and Follow Me)