This tweet was made today:
Quote:Malcolm @MalcolmDDavis
Wow, just saw Haley Reinhart in BK in Holland. :o, now Adam!
Quote:Malcolm @MalcolmDDavis
@HaleyFansDotCom Yeah Burger King. I didn't know she was international!
I think this is tied to Akoo. Press release from five years ago:
Quote:A start-up known as Akoo International has spent the last six years developing an interactive entertainment platform that restaurants, retailers, theaters and other venues can tap to market and promote products and services in stores.
...Consumers will be able to browse and buy music and videos while eating burgers and fries at eateries like McDonald's, Burger King, or TGIF Friday's.
...The eateries pay a subscription fee of between $199 and $499 per month to offer the content and have an option to text message coupons and marketing materials to consumers who opt into the service.
...Consumers also will have an option to buy and download selected music and videos onto their mobile phone to take with. The purchases are made through third-party providers like Apple's iTunes Music Store.
This seems to be another indication they think Haley has international appeal.