(06-17-2012, 07:53 PM)Haleylvr4evr Wrote: Hey,
I just want to apologize for posting that thread about what I said on twitter. It started out as a little joke with a friend but I guess we took it a little far and made it sound bad. I didn't mean for it to go that far and I'm really sorry. Please know that I would NEVER try to hurt Haley and I want her to feel safe with us! The thread is now deleted.
Sorry if I caused any hurt feelings or made anyone upset with me.
Miguel, I know I already sent you a message but I felt I needed to say this to everyone.
Thank you, I feel better now.
Haleylvr4... Hey, LISTEN UP! you're a very nice young lady and obviously want all positives for our gal... Don't worry about that post, heck, everyone has probably posted something on a public forum that they had second thoughts about.. I new right off the bat that you were not serious and were being playful with your friend.. So chill and don't worry about anything.. Oh, that was very "big" of you to write this unnecessary (imho) apology.