(08-04-2012, 05:43 PM)Himm2 Wrote: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wh2AvANRrx8[video=youtube]
As much as I regret not following Tusk's advice to move away from the speaker bank I've been encouraged to post this video as is without trying to patch in a better audio:
Well...for what it's worth with the distorted audio from being next to the right speaker bank here is the last song she sang "House of The Rising Sun" with a cool little adlib with Keith at the end. Hope I can find a way to get better audio into all my videos before I upload them. Wish I could filter down Courtney on bass guitar because whenever he stops playing the audio speaker distortion from my front row 1080p video sounds OK. But at least I'm thrilled that I can relive an awesome performance visually of a great day spent with Tusk, Babbs & the Reinharts (Who's mother's not really a Tailor, and her father's not really a Gamblin' man) !!! If you turn the volume down during the bass parts it's a bit more tolerable and please avoid "disliking" it until I can improve it. thanks.
... If I didn't feel this responsibility to capture the show for us all to share, I would have stayed right with you guys at the front, trust me
Here you go: (reposting Himm2's vid)