(08-20-2012, 07:00 PM)Miguel Wrote: Like Tom, I'm a big fan of business/commerce. I introduce topics about the label's decision making and possible courses of action not to be negative but because they interest me. I'm learning as I go and the music industry is too as technology has changed everything.
I continue to believe Haley will ultimately be very successful and have no doubt she will make a good living as a performer for as long as she wishes.
I've got to say I'm really curious to learn more about how the industry works too. I'm sort of curious about everything in the world from String theory, to genetic research , to fashion trends I learn about on project runway.
Following a budding artists career -is- an excellent way to learn more about the business.
I'm not against -open pondering- of the "why's" and coming up with hypothetical possibilities and wondering why they didn't choose this or that, or speculating on the possibilties that something can happen.
It is just a bit of a dangerous slope sometimes that makes it easy to go from "I wonder why" to "they really blew it" .
I can take some heat myself in one area perhaps. I looked at what I thought were suggestions of possible areas of stage pressence improvments and attempts to understand comments of a third party and I can see why they might have come off as negative nit-picking to some people despite my efforts to qualify my statements.
I can easily see myself doign my same to others on different subjects by accident, or taking peoples words wrongly etc..
I suppose that if we made the effort to use words like "speculation" in titles and tried extra hard to wonder about "why" they didn't do something rather than criticize it could feel more positive while still being a learning experience about the business.
It will be tricky but I think there is always room to come closer to the mark with some effort even if perfection is unattainable.
Maybe trying to keep some threads in a "business of promotion" sub-forum or something might make an incremental step that way too.
A real effort to avoid the "worried for" type of title will help. "Targets to reach", or something might be a better header for speculating what level of sales would be an appropiate goal etc.
The info you researched on "Different artists use of Twitter" was pretty intersting Miguel and tryng to approach things in that manner could be a good way for us all to strive for when we feel the need to question why something that makes sense to us isn't being done.