(03-16-2013, 08:36 PM)Miguel Wrote: (03-16-2013, 08:13 PM)Tom22 Wrote: It kind of pisses me off that Haley fans are doing this.
Knocking someone else does not bring you or your friend up.
In the first instance, Haley had retweeted a picture showing her version of IWHN had climbed the charts. A person replied to Haley's retweet that they favored her performance of IWHN over the performances by Candice and Jordin. I don't think there's anything wrong with that. But Candice saw the remark because she was online and the person used her twitter handle for her name.
I thought it was kind of rude for Candice to venture onto Haley's Twitter timeline and make a snarky remark to one of her fans.
The second instance occurred about the same time. Candice was having an impromptu Twitter party wherein she was asked about Jessica and other Idols, and Justin Bieber, in addition to Haley. She could have ignored the question but chose to answer it. The person who remarked that Haley's version was better than Jordin's wasn't slighting Candice, after all her username is "Candice Glover Fans."
Yes, those are all extenuating circumstances but ALSO a reason its vital for people who want the best impressions for Haley really need to be careful of how they say things.... I mean we can't be perfect.... but there are ways of saying what you prefer that are very hard to take out of context .... .
My Dad pointed something out to me once that he'd learned in a different situation. You don't want to get in habits of saying things in private in ways you wouldn't want in public (the "routine" is key.. you can have private conversations about why you hate something...but anything typed online is recorded basically so thats even riskier) If people are in a habit of saying. "Haley's was way better than XXXX" thats just going to get quoted out of context. "Haley's is my favorite ever.. I didn't connect to XXXXX" just doesn't come off as bitter
and... like someone said above, including a @name thing is delivering that negative message directly to people who like something...no need to do that. Probably even better would be to us "we saw last night" etc so it wouldn't be taken out of context in a search years later if it wasn't possitive.
History lesson again. Remember the scandal when a senator reffered to a Barney Frank as "Barney Fag" in some public events with mics on ? As funny a lockeroom huck it up type banter that might be.. and I don't think it was necessarily mean spiritited in private.... no worse than calling a guy Johnny Toupee or or Edward Bignose or something ....but while those two would be bad enough, it doesn't take a brain surgeon to now that anything to do with a traditionally demeaned subject is going to be picked up with by people with thin skin and repeated with people who have an axe to grind.
Bottom line was.. silly or not, appropiate elsewhere or not.. you just don't get in the habbit of saying things in a way if it came out in the wrong context it would get roasted.
I'm hardly perfect.. no one is perfect.. but I try hard to keep that in mind.
Charlie Munger... Warren Buffett's partner, explained it to an audience of wisdom seekers another and broader way.
He advised something like :
develop good habits because when you're tired and under strain, you can't always trust your thinking but if you don't have the state of mind to make a clear decision you'll tend to fall back on your habits that might save you.
That sort of habit of "always getting a second opinion" or "always get three bids" is critical. You might completely trust a doctor or a contractor, but at least see what another has to say always. When push comes to shove and you're under-stress and are in a situation you'd be less sure of, you might not feel like getting that opinion when it would be drastically important. Force yourself to do it always and you're far more likely to do it when you're being rushed into a bad decision.
LOL ok.. we can't expect kids to get it right but we can pass on advice and
hopefully someone younger can put it in a way young people can understand on other forums
....I hope people get in habits of only saying good things about all people when you have Haley's name in the sentence or paragraph or in their alias elsewhere etc