I was checking out the videos on you're birthday thread Miguel, & you've got Haley singing Happy Birthday to you, The Beatles wishing you a Happy Birthday, & The 5th Dimension reminding you & your fellow Aquarians that, even though your friends always act like they forgot your birthday because they'd rather stay in their warm houses than freeze their balls off taking you guys out on your birthday, Age of Aquarius is the best song ever written & that will ever be written about an astrological sign.
So I've been watching youtube videos for the past hour or so, trying to find for an entertaining birthday video for you to watch. Unfortunately I have a pretty warped sense of humor, so the video I thought was the best was "The Birthday Song" by Jon Lajoie, (also responsible for the comedic hip-hop masterpiece "Everyday Normal Guy"). Now here's where I'd normally embed the video. But then I thought, what better gift could I give to Miguel than NOT posting a funny but probably inappropriate & possibly offensive video on his site. So that's my gift to you
Thanks for all you do for us at Haleyfans & Happy Birthday Miguel!!