(03-08-2013, 08:24 PM)NowThatImHere23 Wrote: I don't know because she is always talking about how having control of her life and career direction is so important to her, so Haley has to have some say. If I was on AI, then I should have some input on where I perform.
I'm not trying to bring negativity but my cousin is also a fan and he was just complaining about this the other day (how Haley comes to the east but fans can't see her) and it annoyed me because I wanted to prove him wrong then this happens. It's whatever though, at least we get some Haley back on the tele.
Haley lost her record deal in November. Since then she has not performed all that much anywhere. But since then she's appeared three times on the East coast(I'm including Montreal) with Allen Stone.The first Boston gig in November was cancelled but she flew there for the make up gig in Jan.I drove 5 hours to see her in Portland,Maine and could have driven to any of the other gigs as well,including Carnegie Hall back in October.
She lives in L.A which is the center of everything-and how many public gigs has she played in that area since November? Next month she's travelling clear across the Pacific Ocean for a gig.Its a funny business and she's in kind of a funny place right now but I'm sure that if a worthwhile gig opportunity came up in,say-Philadelphia that she'd be there.