Quote:PJ @PJHaleyR 6h
#RIPKiddKraddick hosted the radio show that 1st leaked the news Haley was signed #tbsaturdaynight http://www.mjsbigblog.com/tim-halperin-s...rscope.htm …
Mark Cuban, owner of the Dallas Mavericks, was reportedly the first to break the news of KK's death:
Quote:Mark CubanVerified account @mcuban
RIP Kidd Kraddick. You were an amazing man and a friend. You are already missed.
From KK's LinkedIn profile:
Quote:I love getting up early! Really early, like before FOUR A.M. I LOVE it! I repeat that mantra eleven times per day. I do a morning show from 5-10am heard on a bunch of stations across the country. We're not a political show. We're not a sports show. We're not a sex show. I don't know what the hell we are. Music is my first love. My I-Tunes monthly bill is roughly a Mercedes payment. I won't steal music. It makes me feel dirty, and not in a good way. I have an artist management company that loses money but extends dreams, at least temporarily. I am a passionate but relatively crappy golfer. Golf Digest tips have ruined me. No electronic gadget has been released in the last five years that I haven't bought on the first day. (Anybody want a Microsoft Spot watch?) I am a radio host so I talk a LOT. I believe that communication has two parts... talking, and waiting to talk.
I believe that the greatest ideas are met with the greatest resistance. But some ideas also really suck and that's why they are resisted. There's the rub. I have one daughter and Butterfly Kisses makes me cry and then I hate myself for about an hour. My friends would tell you that I am an amazing gourmet chef. Actually, my friends will tell you that I'VE TOLD THEM that I'm an amazing gourmet chef. That's a lie. I don't have friends.
As of Oct '07 I am a business owner. I purchased my show from Clear Channel and now operate independently. Because I have no friends, no one was around to talk me out of it. My company is called Yea Network. Not YEAH, Yea. You know, like YAY! Maybe I should have called it YAY. The goal is to expand and diversify and launch new offerings into network syndication. It's very challenging and I have to tell myself every day, "Okay, you're pretty good at this for a deejay!" (I lie to myself constantly.) Actually, this is the best time of my career. I'm having a blast and mostly because I get to work with exactly who I want to work with. The people who work with me are truly amazing and they would run through fire for me. I've not yet asked any of them to do that but we haven't done my big team-building weekend yet. Just wait. It should make the trades.
I was in the office where his studio is earlier this year because I working with a marketing company tied to his network.