Wow Merc... thanks for sharing that ! She does have a beautiful voice and that is a very good song (a bit more bitersweet than I want as a break at my morning work desk .. but really lovely and worth listenting to many more times when I'm in a more reflective mood driving or walking etc)
She is also beautiful.
Shallow as it is, I wish my first impression of her was the footage of her actually singing near the end. It was both more a glamor shot (not glamor clothes, but beutiful colored snow scarf and more styled hair)
... and it showed her singing, and girls can be so lovely when they sing (as in warm and open hearted type of lovely - not the smutty sort of (hubba hubba) alluring attractiveness lovely - truley lovely. I did like the video in the way it told the story and not complaining about how she looks.. just might have a better first take (yes that is shallow of me) seeing her that way singing.
Lets see if this picture posts to give others that great first impression.
and I'll post your link in an easy to preview mode
People really should watch it.. it is lovely (wearing out that word) and she is good.