Leslie Hunt was my first Idol Groupie crush
I have followed her career since her top 10 girls demise on American Idol in 2006 and Leslie & her parents declared that I was her #1 fan. In the second round of America voting she sang a Jazzy "Feelin' Good" and was the first Idol contestant to ever scat on the show. In her sawn song she added the lyrics: "Why did I decide to Scat?...America don't care for Jazz"!! Haley kind of altered my devotion so I stopped going to almost every show Leslie performed in Chicago and I hadn't seen her perform live in a year and a half until last night:
She jumped out of her seat at the bar and rushed to great me at the door with open arms.
my description:
Leslie Hunt knows that this is one of my favorite songs and how it relates to her & Lauren growing up and Leslie's daughter and my son. I came out of Hibernation and rejoined Huntnation and I'm so glad I did. Just wish I brought my new better camera instead of my old one since there's a bit of the usual bass distortion from being too close to speakers but you get the idea of how fun it was at good old Martyrs. My memory was correct when I commented to Leslie that I thought she performed at Martyrs exactly 6 years previously (12-19-07) when I recorded her singing "Jagged" as my very first YouTube upload.