07-12-2014, 02:13 AM,
(This post was last modified: 07-12-2014, 02:38 AM by Miguel.)
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"Boyhood" - a film by Richard Linklater
Richard Linklater first rose to prominence with the 1991 comedy-drama, Slacker.
Quote:Slacker is a uniquely structured and seemingly plotless film, following a single day in the life of an ensemble of mostly under-40 bohemians and misfits in Austin, Texas. The film follows various characters and scenes, never staying with one character or conversation for more than a few minutes before picking up someone else in the scene and following them.
I saw this film in Austin, TX just as I was graduating from the University of Texas. The movie was confusing because it followed one character to the next. If you knew Austin, the film was even more disconcerting as a scene would show one part of the city and then another part after rounding a corner.
Linklater is back with another movie filmed around Austin, TX that's completely different, Boyhood
Reviews are excellent. The end of one:
Fixating on imperfections while discussing "Boyhood" would be as petty as criticizing the sculpting of individual stones in a cathedral. The totality matters. Even more important is our recognition that the totality is as fleeting as life.
Time, and our interaction with time, and the way in which we are all ultimately overmatched and worn down by time, and the notion of cinema as a means of sculpting with time: these and other aspects of temporality are at the heart of "Boyhood." Time is the core around which all of this movie's musings on childhood and parenthood are woven. It's the river down which the scenes and characters travel without consciously realizing that they are on individual journeys that all have the same ending.
If life is "about" anything, it's about realizing and accepting that fact: that everything is fleeting. Time gives birth and nourishes and then obliterates as it moves ahead, like the family which, in an early scene, prepares to move out of a house by covering murals and hand-lettered height charts with white paint.
The film ends and the credits come up and you ask the same question that you ask at the end of an evening spent with old, dear friends: where did the time go?
Some background info:
Quote:“It had been growing in me in ’99 and 2000,” says Linklater. “I’d been a dad for a while and seeing a kid growing up is a very intense thing. It made me think, ‘What about my childhood? What is childhood? Maybe I’ll make a film about childhood.’ But I was frustrated because I couldn’t pick a moment. It became a storytelling challenge and I’d almost given up, and then in 2001 the idea hit me in one big moment: We’ll film a little bit every year.”
During those gestation years, Linklater and Hawke, who’ve collaborated on eight films together, were engaged in “an ongoing dialogue about time in movies.”
“I knew Rick wanted to make a movie about childhood and growing up, and right around the time my son was born, he came to me and said, ‘What if we didn’t make it one moment,’” says Hawke. “The first couple of times he batted the idea out it had more dramatic turns, but then he thought, ‘What if I just got rid of all the plot? What if it’s just growing up?’ And I fell in love with the idea.”
With Hawke onboard, the mother came next. Linklater recalled meeting Arquette at a cocktail party shortly after the release of True Romance. She told him how much of a fan she was of Slacker and Dazed and Confused and how much she wanted to work with him, and he asked her about what motherhood was like, since Arquette had her first child at 20.
“Years later, he called me and asked, ‘What are you going to be doing for the next 12 years?’” recalls Arquette. “I thought, ‘Is he asking me to marry him for a period of 12 years and then divorce him?’ And then he said, ‘I’m thinking about shooting this movie where you see a boy starting first grade and it ends when he graduates high school.’ Everything in my body was like, ‘Yes!’ He said, ‘You know, there’s no money in it.’ I was like, ‘I don’t care, I’m in!’”
...“Finding Ellar was the big moment,” says Linklater. “It was one of those go with your instincts moments. I remember telling people at the time, ‘This kid is so ethereal and interesting.’ Plus, he had cool parents—his Dad was in a band that I liked. He seemed mysterious. He wasn’t reading, but he had a lot of ideas about film and music. He was a little rock star, too. I noticed how kids drifted towards him.”
The actors all took a leap of faith and came onboard. They couldn’t even sign anything, since movie contracts don’t extend beyond seven years.
...“I got to watch my film, think for a year, and re-script it,” says Linklater. “I could never re-shoot anything, but could re-script it, which is where I’d incorporate the incremental changes of my four actors growing and changing, and where I could adjust any ideas I had to the reality in front of me.”
...In addition to the myriad cultural moments and the actors aging in front of your very eyes, Boyhood uses musical cues to let you know what year it is. The film opens with young Mason Jr. lying in a field, as Coldplay’s Yellow booms, followed by tracks from Blink 182 and Sheryl Crow. Later years incorporate tracks like Soulja Boy’s Crank That and Phoenix’s 1901. “Music’s going to stamp your life from a young person’s standpoint,” Linklater says.
...“Collaborating with something as fleeting as time and trying to capture how that’s represented in all of our lives was the essence of the whole film,” says Linklater. “We bet the farm on the power of that—the cumulative effect of all these intimate moments over time equals an emotion, or a feeling. But we all live that way. We’re living our lives and we have feelings about everything that builds up to this moment. It was very much trying to be in touch with how we process life.”