Watch Jimmy Kimmel Live tonight!
Jimmy Kimmel has an annual April Fools Day joke gig, each year it's something different, where he asks his viewers to prank someone and record it.
This year it was to record someone after they take their first sip of coffee in the morning, and just say "April Fools!" and nothing else, in hopes to freak that person out in thinking you put something in their coffee.
My brother wasn't drinking anything but he has some major germaphobia and is very paranoid about that kind of stuff, so I knew I'd get a good reaction out of him. I instead gave him half of my breakfast burrito and did the same. The reaction I got from his was way beyond what I would have ever expected, LMAO!
Kimmel's staff has contacted me & sent me a release form, so there's a good chance my video is making the cut.
Here's the video if you wanna see it: