RE: Diana Krall
I was listening to her new album 'Wallflower' and heard this song that I didn't recognize, but kept thinking Haley would kill this one. Well, it turns out to be an unused Paul McCartney tune. Didn't know such things existed, I bet he has a gold mine of such things. And, strange that I kept thinking of Haley performing it when I listened. There is something about her voice/style that fits Beatles tunes. The song is called 'If I take you home tonight'.
“If I Take You Home Tonight” is a song written by Paul McCartney during the sessions for Kisses On The Bottom, but left unused. It was finally recorded by Diana Krall, who participated to Kisses On The Bottom, and released on her album Wallflower released in 2015.
From, May 2012:
Among the suggestions producer [of Kisses On The Bottom] Tommy LiPuma made was that Paul McCartney contribute some of his own compositions to this album of standards. These would not be revised versions of well-known, old-style songs such as the Beatles’ ‘Honey Pie‘ or Wings’ ‘You Gave Me The Answer‘, but newly penned numbers. While fitting in with the overall style, these would also help to differentiate McCartney’s project from the nostalgic efforts of artists such as Rod Stewart and Robbie Williams.
“Paul played me a piano demo of ‘Only Our Hearts‘ during my first visit to Hog Hill Mill,” LiPuma recalls. “Not familiar with all of the Wings and later material, I thought the song may have been from that period, but he told me he had written it during the past few years. I liked it, and when I said it might be a good idea for Paul to write a few more originals that fit with the style of the new album, I think that inspired him and he subsequently wrote ‘My Valentine‘ during a vacation in Morocco.” […]
At least one more original was recorded but eventually not used, as LiPuma mentions: “I wouldn’t be surprised if he eventually re-records ‘If I Take You Home Tonight’, which is another relatively new composition. It’s a good song but it was still being developed and I wasn’t sure if it would fit stylistically with everything else we had done.”
Interview of Diana Krall, February 2015:
How did Paul McCartney’s “If I Take You Home Tonight” end up [on Wallflower]?
The day after Hurricane Sandy we did a rough, but it didn’t fit on [his 2012 LPKisses on the Bottom]. Years later I found the sheet music and [drummer] Karriem Riggins said, “You should do that.” I thought it was a tall order to do a new McCartney song. I asked Paul if he was OK if I should change the direction — I’m not one for changing gender in a song — but he thought it sounded really modern to keep it the way he wrote it.