03-23-2017, 07:01 PM,
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Hi everyone,
Couldn't find an existing section appropriate for this - if I missed it, my apologies! Just figured I'd type a 'few' words, introducing myself.
I know I mentioned this on Twitter as well, but thanks for activating my account! First, here's some about me - I'm Bruce from the Netherlands, my age can probably be estimated by my nickname  . I like sports, music, film and television. I'm a huge Bruce Lee fan - hope it's okay to mention that on here, even though he's someone entirely different.
Either way - I'm another fan of Haley's, wouldn't be here otherwise obviously  . Wouldn't say I'm her biggest fan or that I've followed her forever or anything, not claiming anything I'm not  - but don't want to sound like I don't want to be here either, if that makes any sense?
Anyway - I have followed American Idol since, I believe, season 8 and watched every season since. I have had a few 'favorites', but Haley was definitely one of them! It was awesome to see her get a few performances on the last AI season as well. Improved so much, though stayed the same in many ways. I'm far from musical myself and have little to no knowledge regarding techniques and all, but a few small things during her performances were just 'magical', I'm sure you'll agree.
I've been watching some of PMJ's videos and was pleasantly surprised to see Haley performing quite a few songs with them. After having watched a few videos of both Haley and PMJ, I started 'actively' following them on Facebook. Not extensively or checking multiple times per day, but just checking a few times a week if something new popped up.
Then, she announced her European tour, which got me somewhat excited. Would be pretty awesome to see one of her concerts around here and maybe even have a meet and greet, if she'd be doing them at all here.
In the meantime, I've been hanging with a friend of mine and the topic of talentshows casually came up. I had no idea she liked them as well; one of the names that immediately popped up was Haley's. Little did I know, she liked her as well! After a while, I decided to buy ourselves two VIP tickets to her concert! Now, there is a small 'thing' I would like to mention and post regarding the concert/tickets, but that may be more suited in a different section? Or perhaps I could 'ask' it here as well?
The 'problem' being; my friend got an offer to go abroad for a few months, a once in a lifetime opportunity, which she understandably took. She's already there now and will, unfortunately, be missing Haley's concert. So now I have a dilemma.
I checked around and none of my other friends can go or simply don't like Haley's music as much as me/us. Which of course makes sense as well, not everyone likes everything.
Anyway, I now have two VIP tickets for her concert. I still very much would like to go, so selling both tickets and not going isn't really an option. But selling one ticket by myself and going alone is... Well... Alone. I'm sure I would be fine, but still.
Does anyone have any input here? I've thought a lot about this and I don't want to sound desperate haha, but maybe there's a chance someone knows something/someone and can help me out.
PS: Apologies for the lengthy post - I tend to do that
03-23-2017, 09:47 PM,
(This post was last modified: 03-23-2017, 09:50 PM by Tusk.)
jonesing for some Gingerbread Cake
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RE: Introduction
Welcome  .... I know mine is not a 'usual' situation but going by yourself is not the worst thing....especially if the alternative is going with someone who may or may not want see Haley.
When I go to see Haley, There are things I want to be able to do if the opportunity presents itself. If you bring someone with you, they may enjoy themselves, you both have a good time and talk after....or they may be bored, want to leave right away or earlier.
It sounds like this may be your first time seeing Haley sing live, my suggestion is go to take it all in, your attention won't be split between the event and the wants and needs of someone else. Haley is very enjoyable, I've seen her A LOT and can tell you I enjoy every performance, she's not cookie cutter.
Maybe next time you see her, bring someone along that wants to see her, but IF this is the only time you get to see her live for a long time (or you move to LA), it would suck if the person you bring isn't having a good time, or wants to talk during the show.
If you must bring someone, at least they should have a positive attitude about her, maybe introduce them to some of Haley's videos....at least that way you're going with someone who wants to be there.....But I'm biased, and that's just me
03-24-2017, 10:59 AM,
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RE: Introduction
Thanks for the welcome!
I totally understand what you mean. I wouldn't want to take someone who is basically coming along to 'please' me or simply to 'fill the spot for the ticket that became available. They would have to want to be there for Haley.
It will be my first time seeing her live indeed and a quick meet and greet, which I am very excited about, although the description for the VIP perks aren't exactly clear. It mentions early entrance and sound check as well as a 'meet and greet photo'. I hope it will be more than just quickly take a photo; have a quick chat or something? Not sure how it usually goes with her concerts. I know she is amazing to/with her fans from videos and posts for example, but I'm not sure whatever the venue itself allows? A quick photo would be cool, of course! But a little while longer than just a quick photo would be amazing
And unfortunately, I don't see myself moving anytime soon, let alone all the way across the globe to LA  . So I'm afraid, me loving in the Netherlands will make this the only opportunity to see her live and meet her, hopefully a bit longer than just a quick photo. For instance, I would like to give a quick mention of the friend whom couldn't make it to the concert and May be have her sign something personal for her?
I'm guessing all of you have met Haley at least once?
03-24-2017, 12:11 PM,
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RE: Introduction
Hi Bruce, welcome to HF! Great to have new people joining. I'm writing from Berlin, so also not in LA :-) The main reason for going is, in my opinion, that hearing Haley live is so totally mindblowingly great, beyond anything the recordings can do. Many have reported on that. I myself have only ever heard her sing one song, two years ago: at her very first post-AI concert in Europe, with PMJ in Berlin, and since she had just arrived she only sang "Habits" that first night - her first performance of Creep was a few concerts later and we all know what happened then. But still I can say from that one song: it is like taking a bath in sound, an incredible sound, a smooth and complex sound, a breathtaking and variable, all-is-new sound, just a once-in-a-lifetime voice. It's just an incredible experience. I had heard about that, read about it, but it really is like that, as I found dout. So that is the main reason you should go if you feel inclined. As for meeting, this was also my only opportunity, and surely it depends on circumstances and Haley is not where she was two years ago now in terms of savyness and how well she is known, but: then she was just around, totally open to speaking, just relaxed, chatty, also as so many have reported. So go see her, see what happens, you never know! I ended up exchanging more than a few words, had never expected it at all.
03-24-2017, 12:15 PM,
jonesing for some Gingerbread Cake
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RE: Introduction
I went to 3 shows of her tour, each Meet and Greet was slightly different, but you do get to see mic check some songs, how many depends on how much time alloted. Then you get in line for a photo with a couple minutes to chat, get something signed, then, depending on the venue, you wait for the Concert to start. In Chicago and San Diego, we stayed in the venue, in LA, they lead us out of the venue to line up ahead of the general public.
A caveat is I expect more security for her tour in Europe. I think security was a factor ( not THE factor ) for postponing the tour last year.
03-24-2017, 12:42 PM,
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RE: Introduction
Ah, gotcha! A fee minutes is understandable  , would she sign two items, for example? Something for my friend who can't attend and something for me? Hope she wouldn't mind too much.
And security is important, so if that is one of the reasons, that's definitely understandable as well. And then again, it's only been delayed by 8 months, should be worth the wait!  I'd rather wait than have the concerts be blown off.
I'm not sure what the venue is Like I've never been there and there aren't really good photos or anything to get a good view inside, other than photos taken at events, meaning it's dark and crowded. I do think it's the type of venue that would suit quite well.
And from what I understand by what you're saying, the meet and greet is before the performance? Probably better than after
03-24-2017, 01:31 PM,
jonesing for some Gingerbread Cake
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RE: Introduction
Just let her know, I'm sure 2 items is OK.
The Chicago show had a bonus, Haley's hometown, so her Dad, Harry performed at her Mic check at the meet and greet....
03-24-2017, 01:52 PM,
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RE: Introduction
Awesome  - if not, still cool! Won't push anything obviously
And wow, that is a nice bonus! It's still two months away, but getting excited... The more I think about it, the more I'm "willing" to go by myself. I'll look around see if anyone might be interested.
I doubt anyone on here will be going there. Unless there's maybe a few Europeans on here? Even a few Dutchies? But that may be a long shot haha
05-21-2017, 01:32 PM,
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RE: Introduction
So, the 26th is closing by real fast, with less than a week to go! Getting really excited  . I sold the second ticket, so it's definite - going by my lonesome!
I've had a quick chat with the organisation/venue and they thought the meet&greet would be after the concert? They weren't certain about that or the other VIP perks either and had to wait until things were confirmed, I guess with Haley's management? They'd then send out e-mails to VIP ticket holders with info about the sound check and all, which I still haven't received - hoping that won't take too long, since I might have to spend the night in Amsterdam somehow after the concert, probably missing the last train home.
Been binge-watching her AI season; hard to imagine I'm getting to meet her, but I'm pretty excited! Would be nice if maybe she'd sing a song or two from her AI performances!