(01-31-2019, 11:02 PM)KelseyW. Wrote: You can't tell me that Haley couldn't make some extra cash on PMJ merch alone because she could've had a Creep or All About That Bass shirt and I know I would've bought it...
PMJ Merch is probably Scott's to sell. I don't recall seeing PMJ merch at Morgan's, Casey's, Aubrey's or Sarah's solo shows.
Hanson had a major hit to help fuel their business, Haley got a punch in the gut from Interscope, probably started her post Idol career paying back whatever advances Interscope gave her before they pulled the rug from under her. She never had any real push for her album, she never got to tour to promote it (even though she spent advance money to hire a band to tour), she just had a few radio show appearances with either Keith or John Notto....
Hanson started their professional career with money in the bank.
Haley's career started probably making up for what she lost because of Interscope, possibly a reason there were few appearances after she got dropped from Interscope, She was still trying to move "Listen Up!" cd's herself at her shows, in the end, she probably lost money on Listen Up and just trying to get back as much as they could selling what they had left.
you can't invest in product to sell if you don't have the money or resources to do so
You can't go to "Better" as a source of income to fuel a merch store ONLY your hard core fans will buy from because "Better" was a reward for Haley from Ole for their success with CHFL. It was not made to 'make money' that's why IMO Better is the truest output that represented Haley and her music, she had free reign to make the album she wanted w/o outside influences and pressure. We should be grateful we got as many products as we did for Better, possibly something Ole had a hand in.
Sure, we know Haley has revenue streams coming in, but again, as an independent artist you need to prioritize where you invest your money...travel, studio time, clothing, hiring band, manager, tour personnel, roadies, rehearsal space, lodging, artists, graphic design, photographers and photoshoots, legal advice and representation etc...all have priorities over merchandise you're not guaranteed to sell, so you have to be careful with how much you order, not to mention a place to store all the merchandise you want to sell as well as the means to sell/move the merchandise.
We can't apply Music industry rules and strategies to Independent artists, they don't have the same motivation or business structure, certainly not the same amount of money to spend on merchandise after all you already spend on your brand and making of your music.